Wednesday 18 March 2015

International Day of Happiness

Good evening, 

Happiness, I think, makes the world go round. I asked my friends recently whether they think I'm a smiley person, the verdict was YES! I want to put a smile on someone's face everyday and I believe that I do. For some reason people find me funny, but I'm not sure whether they laugh with me or at me... but either way I make them smile. 

International Day of Happiness is coming up and I wanted to write about the little things in my life that make me happy, and maybe it would jog your memory as to what makes you happy. 

I never intended to be someone who thought that the internet was their happy place, and I don't think that it is, but writing, here on this blog, brings a smile to my face and I don't care that only a very, very small amount of people read it. I love the creativeness of sitting at my laptop and just trying, I never re-read any of my writing before it's finished, and I love that that I can hear it all in my mind and most often than not I'm speaking as I type. I love it and thank you for allowing me to do this, before I was just a bored teenager. 

MUSIC! It always brings, without fail, a smile to face. Not just because I enjoy listening to it but how much fun the artist must of had, I want to be able, one day, to find that kind of joy out of making my own music, but I am afraid of failure, much like everyone else. I strongly believe that music has a power, I wrote a whole post in it so go head and check it out!

Holidays. I love travelling and I want more than anything to travel the world. Holidays are the times that I spend with my family, yes, after six weeks I can't wait to get away from them, but I love them to bits and I'm scared of the day that I move out... I'm on my own then. Anyway for the time being I'm just going to savour what time I have with them. 

Summer, I know it's a cliche but sunsets, and warm days they just make me happy. Not only do I love the weather but the season just allows for so many more things to happen - days out to the beach with friends or an evening walk with the dog. 

I wanted to just remind myself that I have so many things that I'm grateful for and so many things that I didn't even realise make me happy. Please tell me the little things in your life that make you happy.

Floss xoxo 

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