Monday 4 May 2015


Hello dear friends,
There are 3 rules of shopping that you must ask yourself before purchasing; "Do you really want it?" "Do you really need it?" and "Can you afford it?" If the answer is no to any of the questions than you don't buy it! I think that there should be rules, like this, for friendship. It's a tricky thing that if you don't get right, can cause a whole lot of tears. 
Recently I have learnt that you must pick wisely when it comes to your friends, because those are the people that at the end of the day have chosen to love you, not forced to, and if they don't, they're not worth it.  By simply asking yourself my 3 simple questions, you could stop yourself from trying to make something work that just isn't meant to. So here goes:

1. What do they do that makes you feel better about yourself?

2. Would they go out of their way for you?

3. Could you spend a week without talking to them, without feeling lost?

If you can't answer these questions with a meaningful answer then just let it go, you'll probably be better off without them. 
I found a quote the other day, that really opened my eyes to who I should be surrounding myself with; 
"Don't Dwell on those who let you down, Cherish those who hold you up."

I really hope that you are happy and have in someway benefited from my 3 simple questions.

Floss xoxo 

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