Sunday 8 March 2015

Growing Up :(

When you started school, no-one had a clue what they wanted to be when they grew up, but now everyone just automatically assumes that we all have it figured out. I'm fifteen years old, year ten, and have no idea what to do when I'm older. I don't want to have to decide! I want to remain in school, not have to make any important decisions. It just feels like everything is moving so fast. We're already in March, and soon the school year will come to a close and year eleven will be here... the important year!

I like many other teenagers in my situtation get confused and freaked out when I think too much. The other day I worked out that at the end of the next, school, year I will be taking eighteen exams! Eighteen! 
I am not good when it comes to anything that puts me under pressure,  but I don't however suffer from anxiety. I chose the subjects I am studying because I was interested in them, not because they had a low exam percentage, come to think of it I probably should have thought that through. Even though I have picked subjects I wanted to take, there's still those core subjects to get through... the worst ones in my opinion!

Soon I have end of year exams and right now I am in no position to take them. I don't know when to start revising or even how. To be honest I think I'm just stalling, I mean come on who actually finds joy in sitting at a desk reading and writing things that you have no interest in.

I wrote this post today in search of help. Any one out there that thinks that have the tiniest piece of advise to give me.. please do.

Floss xoxo 

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