Monday 23 March 2015

10 Years time...

Good Evening,
I've had quite a thoughtful week, wondering about where I will be in 10 years time, and where some of my class mates will be. 

By then I will be 25 years old, I hope to have finished university by then but as I have no idea what I want to do, I can't possibly tell. 
I know for a fact that some of my friends want to have had children by then, but for me that is never going to happen. Of course I would like children but not until by late twenties... at least! 
I want to travel, so desperately and wish I could take off now! I know plenty of people that have ended up moving to another country to live, and I do wonder if I will join the club. 

In 10 years time, will I see the popular girl, who never did any work, in a supermarket, working at the tills? It's just a question that I do ask myself.
In America, I am aware that some high schools hold reunions, I would just like to know where the people that I spent 5 years of my life with, ended up.. did they do well for themselves? 

I look around the classroom sometimes and think that, what if someone sitting three seats away from me, will become famous. Will I see them on the TV and think to myself " I'm sure I know her?" 

I'm not stupid, I know that the inevitable will probably happen and I won't keep in touch with most of my 'now' friends, however it doesn't stop me wondering where they'll be and whether they would have succeeded in what they wanted to do and be. I just hope that I will some how know that they're happy. 
I know that I will make new friends and I do think about who they'll be and where they are now... does that make me weird?

I don't really know where I was going with this post but it's just been on my mind! I don't know if it's just me that thinks about things the way that I do!

Floss xoxo 

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