Monday 13 April 2015

Just a little catch up...

Hello my dear friends, 
I'm sorry to have not posted anything in the past few weeks. I've been gallivanting away on holiday! It was my Mum's birthday during the Easter holidays and my Dad surprised her with a trip to Milan... more on that in a different post. 

I had the start of my Year 10 exams today..eekk! Not sure how it went but there's no point in dwelling on what you can't change. More exams to come but I just keep thinking, it's only until Thursday! 

My blog will soon have a re-design, as I'm getting a little bored about it, I don't know about you! I hope to have a new blog design active by the end of this week, but don't get your hopes up! 

Nothing more to report, I hope you had a good holiday and you weren't too bored. 

Floss xoxo 

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