Wednesday 18 February 2015


I saw recently on the television an advert, for the "This Girl Can" campaign and thought to myself that that's the kind of advertising that a teenage girl, such as myself, should be exposed to. The amount of images I see daily telling me how I should look, whether its in a glossy magazine or on the television, is staggering.  No wonder so many people are so insecure about their bodies.

I'm no confident, striving girl myself but I won't change who I am for anyone, and I think that that's what every girl should be being taught. Every girl should feel that they can be whatever they want, be who they want and dress how they want to look not how some model, who don't get me wrong are beautiful, tells them to.

Not everyone has the same body shape and its knowing how to look your best to suit your body shape, don't change yourself... its who you are.
Finding your own style these days is so hard. Your afraid you'll be judged by people who don't even know you! Its ridiculous. I think that being yourself is a great motto but I'm finding it hard to be true to it, especially when I have adverts being shoved in my face convincing me that thats not how I should be.

My favourite quote states "Be yourself because those that mind don't matter nd those that matter don't mind" I think that this quote is hard to live by. I mean there are so many people everywhere that you want to impress but at the same time you are sure that they're judging you. To be honest, lets face it, most of them probably are. We all look at people on the bus or on the pavement and think to ourselves "What are they wearing?" but its learning to get past all the haters and everyone that may think that who you are is wrong. As long as you're happy then nothing else should matter. 

Thanks for reading and the very few that are out there, please tell me your thoughts in the comments. 

Floss xoxo

Picture used does not belong to me. 

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