Thursday 29 January 2015

The Power of MUSIC!!!

There's a book that my Mum read called "The Music Miracle." which describes and explains what music can do. Did you know a child that learns to play an instrument before the age of seven will be more academically able than one which didn't?!
So it is scientifically proven that music has an affect. This is why I believe so strongly that music can do anything as long as you let it. 
I, in the summer, attended a music course which explained different career choices available within music. One choice the leader described was music therapy, he showed a video in which an old man comes out of his shell. It began with him being silent and distant, then someone gave him headphone attached to an iPod playing his favourite music. He is then " restored to himself!"
This is how music can have an affect.
Click for the Youtube video

What's the first thing you do when you feel down or have had a really bad day? I put on music that will make me happier, something that will make me dance! This never fails to put a smile on my face and instantly lifts the cloud that had been looming over my head.
In the car what do you listen to? MUSIC! Its something to keep you company whilst you drive. Some pieces will remind you of a memory, like, that time you danced in your bedroom singing into your hairbrush and your Mum walked in! Others will immediately make you sing along at the top of your voice and you won't care about the weird looks that people are giving you. And one or two will make you think deeply about anything and everything. 
That's what music can do. And lastly on my list, one piece of music will make a mother beam with pride as her little boy stands up on that stage. 
Music does and can do so many things, that's just the power of music! Give it a chance... let it help!

Floss xoxo 

I have no rights of the Youtube video used in this blog post.


  1. Love this! Music is definitely more power than people realize!

    1. Thanks! Your comment means so much to me! The first one ever, it made my day!

