Friday 10 July 2015

Book Review - Sunflower Forest

Good evening friends,
It's that time of the week again... it's book time!
I read this book a while ago but still remember it, which I guess is saying something. I remember giving up on it the first time but having to read it out of lack of books! Sunflower Forest by Torey Hayden is a strange one, and I know it's definitely not for everyone, but those of you that decide to give it a go... well done! Just keep reading, it gets easier to read as it goes on and in my opinion better! This book is about a daughter trying to grow up in a family filled with sadness, at the beginning it will be confusing but all will become clear! 

Hope you had good week and are looking forward to the weekend, are you doing anything nice?!

Floss xoxo 

Friday 26 June 2015

Book Review- The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

Happy Friday!
This week I've just started to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, having only just started reading it I'm already enjoying it although I am a bit confused, but hopefully it will all become clear! I'm told it's a little like Twilight, so I'm looking forward to reading the rest. The start, is a bit weird and may take some of you a while to get into but it does get better! 

Have you been enjoying any books lately, if so please comment down below, I'm always looking for new books to read! 

Hope you have a nice weekend, 

Floss xoxox

Monday 22 June 2015

Long Time No Talk!

Good evening everyone, 
Now I'm sorry that I haven't written in a long time... just been so busy! I have definitely  been enjoying the long evenings of summer, just wish it would stay warm! I'm off on holiday in a few weeks, and I can't wait! Have you got a holiday planned?

Ok, so on today. 

I recently watched the film 'We Bought a Zoo' ok don't tell me I know that I'm a bit behind on that! But that's not the point, if you've seen the film, you may remember that part of the film focusses on having 20 seconds of courage. Now I've been thinking how different the world would be if at a certain time in the day, you had 20 seconds dedicated to saying something or doing something that requires courage. People may be more open and things may be said that perhaps wouldn't be said otherwise, people would know how people actually feel, what people actually want and what people actually need to say. I was just thinking that if we all just had a little more courage then things might just be a little easier... maybe! On the other hand, the world might just collapse into itself, if people actually knew what we were thinking, then they might not like some of us! It was just a thought!

Floss xoxo

Friday 22 May 2015

Book Review-Paper Aeroplanes

Hello friends, 
This week I've been reading Paper Aeroplanes by Dawn O'Porter. 
I've only just finished it but loved it! A book about friendship, Dawn O'Porter has really captured the feelings of a real teenager. An un-expected joy to read but I would recommend it to anyone!

I hope you've all had a good week, and have a great weekend!

Floss xoxo 

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Tips for Packing

Hello dear friends, 
I am lucky enough to be able to travel and have been to a fair few places, so I realise how difficult it may be to pack, so voila, here I bring you my tips for packing.

1. Don't overpack! Think carefully about your clothes and make sure that everything you pack goes well together, therefore you will have more outfits than you think!

2. Think about the weather! Just because wherever you are going is thought to be hot, don't get your hopes up! Pack layers; that's my advice!

3. The length of time you're going for depends on what you pack, of course. If you're only going for a short trip, pack little bottles of your products, such as shampoo, then you can save space for more clothes!

4. Remember the essentials! Whilst thinking about the stuff in the middle it can be easy to forget the most important things. I'm not just talking about your passport, but all of things that you use on a daily basis... don't forget them!

5. Don't leave it too late! Leaving packing until the night before is never a good idea, what if you've run out of something or you need to do some washing?! You won't have time. So avoid the rush and start listing what you want to take, at least a week before. 

There we go, my tips to packing; I hope that this has helped... are you going away somewhere soon? 

Floss xoxo