Wednesday 20 May 2015

Tips for Packing

Hello dear friends, 
I am lucky enough to be able to travel and have been to a fair few places, so I realise how difficult it may be to pack, so voila, here I bring you my tips for packing.

1. Don't overpack! Think carefully about your clothes and make sure that everything you pack goes well together, therefore you will have more outfits than you think!

2. Think about the weather! Just because wherever you are going is thought to be hot, don't get your hopes up! Pack layers; that's my advice!

3. The length of time you're going for depends on what you pack, of course. If you're only going for a short trip, pack little bottles of your products, such as shampoo, then you can save space for more clothes!

4. Remember the essentials! Whilst thinking about the stuff in the middle it can be easy to forget the most important things. I'm not just talking about your passport, but all of things that you use on a daily basis... don't forget them!

5. Don't leave it too late! Leaving packing until the night before is never a good idea, what if you've run out of something or you need to do some washing?! You won't have time. So avoid the rush and start listing what you want to take, at least a week before. 

There we go, my tips to packing; I hope that this has helped... are you going away somewhere soon? 

Floss xoxo 

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