Monday 18 May 2015


Now a couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about friendship, now I'm not some expert but since then I have come to realise that yes, people do make mistakes and sometimes it's easier to forgive and forget. 
Apologies are not easy, not for me at least! I hate saying I'm sorry because that would be admitting that I'm wrong and let's just face it, no-one likes to be wrong... it's human nature. I know that it gets easier and easier to apologies as you grow up, but right now it's difficult. I do sometimes think that some things can never be solved by just an apology, you have to earn someone's trust back; now that's even harder! Even if it's only a glimmer of an apology, that to me could be enough, depending on the situation of course! 

So I guess that my message for today would be, put yourself in their shoes, would you have been able to say sorry? 

Floss xoxo 

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