Friday 1 May 2015

April Favourites

Good evening to you all, 
I thought today I would tell you what I've been loving this month. It is insane how quickly this month has gone and I can't believe that it is already May! 
I've been loving a fair few things this month, so I cut it down to a top five. 

Firstly, I have been completely loving the Soap and Glory Whipped Clean Shower Butter. There's not much to say about it except for it does what it says on the tin! Moisturises and cleans... all in one!

I have also loved this month the Britney Spears Fantasy perfume. Anyone that knows me will know this scent well. I wear it everyday and I still love it. I'm not sure that you can describe a scent but I think it's quite sweet with vanilla accents. 

My Vans, now let me just tell you, I have had them since christmas, but it was in these past few months that I've really started to enjoy them. They're so comfortable and they go with everything. 

Incense, I was having a spring clean the other day, and decided to light some; I'd forgotten just how must I love this smell!

On to TV programs now, there are two but both have already finished;   Poldark and Banished. I'm not really sure what to say other than go and watch them on catch up!

Thanks for reading! Please comment what you've been loving this month, I'd love to hear it! 

Floss xoxo


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