Monday 20 April 2015

A Birthday To Remember!

Hello everyone, 
It is definitely summer, and I am happy! 
I haven't quite managed to sort out my blog design but I just wanted to write a post... it's been a while. Please do comment on the blog design so far! 

The Alps!
During the Easter holidays it was my mother's birthday, and as a treat and surprise my Father organised a trip to Milan, Italy, for five days. To my Mother it was an amazing surprise and to me it was one of my favourite trips so far. 

We flew from Paris to Milan, and despite being in a bit of a rush, my Mother was pleasantly surprised. We arrived in Milan, and it was the perfect welcome, the sun was shining and the sunglasses came out! My Father had managed to book an amazing hotel, right in the centre and not for an extortionate price. 
Anyway I'm not going to tell you the whole day to day story as that would be boring and no-one would read it! Instead I'll just outline the main attractions. 

The Duomo!
The View!
1. The Duomo- WOW! It's a definite must see and going up onto the roof is not to miss. At the little price of €4.00 for a child walking, it is the most extraordinary view, the best, I think, I have seen yet. As we visited in Easter, it wasn't too busy and it was perfect.

The Boxes

2. Teatro alla Scala- The main surprise for my Mother was a good one. As some of you may know my Mother is a music teacher and so of course loves her music. The plan was, to go to the opera at La Scala, however it is not yet opera season, so the ballet had to do! It was incredible, and I loved every second. My father managed to book a box seat and you could see the joy in my Mother's eyes. If you wish to visit La Scala, book tickets, as they do of course sell out quickly. 

The rooftops of The Duomo

3. Just the little quirky streets- Just walking around, was fantastic. The architecture was amazing and there were many photo opportunities! 

A Tram.

I thought that my Father had really pulled out all of the stops, and I'm very impressed that he managed to plan it all himself. Well done Dad! I just hope that my Mother enjoyed it as much as I did. I can only hope that one day, I will have found someone, like my Father, who would do that much for me, just for a birthday! Milan was the only city that I have visited, that I thought I could live it, and that's saying something! 

Floss xoxo. 

Follow me on Instagram and Tumblr- imjustasummerlover. :)

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